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What is your word for 2025?

A good friend of mine got me into the practice of picking a word for the year at the beginning of 2024. I absolutely love doing this because words have power, and what you focus on expands. The words you choose to define your journey will matter. They shape your beliefs and thoughts.
2024 was a huge year of change for me. I left a corporate career of almost 30 years, I was learning and growing through my studies in Psychology at GCU, and I had a fundamental shift in how I approach life. At the beginning of the year, I remember thinking that I needed more than one word. (As a coach, I LOVE goals and everything that comes along with setting and achieving them.) I went with “I can do hard things!” and I did! I got more and more courageous, proving myself right with every step.
2025 is a new adventure we all get to start together. Consider choosing a word that you will use to be intentional about how you will BE in 2025. There are plenty of things you will have to DO, how do you want to BE while you are doing it?
Need help finding your word? I LOVE this subject and this is a really fun time of year to be intentional. Taking action early is key.

Here are a few quick steps you can follow to pick your word:
1. What do I want to feel more of in 2025?
2. Visualize the year ahead, what does it look like? Start listing words that jump out at you.
3. Pick one and commit to it! Take time to “try on” each word to see which one brings you the most positive emotions.

I wish you all a 2025 full of all of the desires of your heart! Happy New Year!

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